1 2 . F R e Q U e n t LY A s K e D Q U e s t I o n s
CeFAR tens
FoR HoW LonG tIMe CAn I stIMULAte?
Follow the recommendations given by your health care provider. Generally high-frequency
TENS (80 Hz) can be used without an upper time limit, but at least 30 minutes at each occasion.
Low-frequency TENS (2 Hz) can cause sore muscles but normally 20-45 minutes 3 times a day is
CAn I Use tens on ALL KInDs oF PAIn?
TENS can be used for both acute and long time pain. General instructions can be read in chapter
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION. Contact your health care provider if the cause for and area of treatment is
WHICH DIstAnCe sHoULD I HAVe BetWeen tHe eLeCtRoDes?
It is recommended to have a distance of 5 to 30 cm between the electrodes.
FoR HoW LonG LAst tHe eLeCtRoDes?
The self-adhesive electrodes last for approximately 20 to 40 occasions. The durability depends on
how good the care and maintenance instructions are followed. Read the care and maintenance
instructions delivered with the electrodes.
ARe tHeRe AnY PRooFs oF tens WoRKInG As An ALLeVIAtIon oF PAIn?
TENS is an established and well-documented method that has been used by the medical service for
many years.
Содержание Cefar TENS
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