Contact Events
Each of the 10Scene connectors on the QuickQ Rack or Gateway has a contact pin that can be
configured to trigger an Execute or Playback, or can join two zones together so that the Wall
Panels for both zones control the lights in multiple zones.
Add a contact event in the Contact Events Window using the
Select the socket number (10Scene ports on Gateways are always sockets 1 & 2).
Contact events can action their target when the contact turns On, Off, On and Off or Off and
Set Target is used to select the execute or playback item to action when the contact event is
received, contact events action can also be used to join zones.
QuickQ supports 4 unique contact inputs per system. Gateways are always
socket 1 and 2.
SnakeSys Gateway interfaces are used to connect 10Scene wall plates to a QuickQ Console or
additional 10Scene wall plates to the QuickQ Rack. Each Gateway has 2 10Scene sockets to
connect up to 20 10Scene wall plates (10 per socket) and 2 contacts.
The Gateways tab displays Gateways that are connected to the system and allows for
configuration of these interfaces.
The Gateway name, IP address and subnet mask can be configured from the Gateways tab
using the Action menu.
The IP address of the console can be set in the
10Scene Gateways must be enabled in
for Gateways to work.
QuickQ v6