Make sure to leave sufficient space.
Even light wind may cause the motor to reverse (safety-reverse) as the forces effecting the gate are very
high. This applies especially to solid panel gates.
Gate Size:
Gate size is an important factor. Wind can slow down gate or distort it, leading to higher amount of
required force.
Gate weight:
Specification of gate weight represents only a rough parameter, which can vary according to actual
demand. Operation is important.
Influence of temperature:
Low outdoor temperatures can impede or even prevent starting torque (ground
deformation etc.). High outdoor temperatures can lead to premature initiation of temperature protection switch.
Motors are not designed to run permanent run (continuous operation). Outside temperature and gate
represent important parameters for actual operating duration.
This product may only be installed from professional installers. Only qualified and trained electricians may
connect, programme and service the controls. Qualified and trained electricians meet the following requirements:
- have knowledge of the general and specific safety and accident prevention regulations,
- have knowledge of the relevant electrical regulations,
- are trained in the use and care of appropriate safety equipment,
- are capable of recognising the dangers associated with electricity.