SpaceKeeper Cons ole (SKC) – Ins tallation Operation Maintenance Manual
Cool Start Up
A call on “Y” for cooling initiates a s eries of checks prior to the s tart up of the
compres s or. These checks include:
a. Power ON timer – Compres s or operation is delayed for approximately 5
minutes after restoration of power. This prevents all units from coming
on-line at the s ame time when power is restored. It als o prevents
compres s or jolting in ins tances of intermittent power.
b. Anti-Recycle timer – There is a 5-minute anti-recycle delay timer that
allows the refrigeration cycle to achieve pres s ure equalization s o that
the compres s or is unloaded upon s tart up.
c. High Pres sure Switch – The high refrigerant pres s ure s witch must be
closed prior to s tart up. LED 11 will be ON. High pres s ure s witch opens at
600 ± 10 psi and clos es at 450 ± 10 ps i.
d. Low Pres s ure Switch – The low pres s ure s witch operates primarily as a
los s of charge protector. It must be clos ed for compres s or s tart up and
its LED 12 will be ON. Upon s tart up, the s ignal from the low pres s ure
s witch is ignored for 5 minutes. In s ome s ituations, particularly when
the unit is cold, the press ure switch will open during s tart-up. If the
s witch does not clos e within the 5 minute ignore period, the compres sor
will immediately be turned off. Low pres s ure s witch opens at 60 ± 3 psi
and clos es at 90 ± 3 ps i.
e. Air temperature sens or Ta – Sens or Ta will prevent compres s or s tart-up
if the air flowing through the unit is below 55
F. The s ensor will als o
prevent the compres s or s tartup or discontinue compres s or operation if
the air temperature is above 140
F and will res et at 135
F. A flas h code
of 4 will be initiated on the red diagnos tic LED 15.
f. Water temperature s ensor Tw – Sensor Tw will prevent compress or s tart-
up and trip an alarm (a flas h code of 3) if the outgoing fluid temperature
is above 125
F and will res et the alarm at 120
F. The s ens or will als o
trip at s tartup and during operation if the water temperature is below
F and will reset at 60
g. Refrigerant temperature s ens or Tr – Sens or Tr will prevent compres s or
s tart-up if the coil temperature is below 40
F and res ets at 65ᵒF. A flas h
code of 2 will be initiated on the red diagnos tic LED 15.
Any of the above faults will be indicated via the diagnos tic LED and the
appropriate diagnos tic flas h code. Pleas e note the temperatures provided
might vary by ±5