SpaceKeeper Cons ole (SKC) – Ins tallation Operation Maintenance Manual
by the anti-recycle timer. A flash code of 2 will be initiated upon a low
refrigerant temperature s hutdown.
e. If the
outgoing system fluid temperature
ris es above 140
F, compres s or
operation will be dis abled. The compres s or will be enabled as s oon as
the temperature drops below 120
F. The outgoing s ys tem fluid sens or is
mounted on the leaving fluid pipe. Actual compress or res tart will be
delayed a minimum of 5 minutes by the anti-recycle timer. A flas h code
of 3 will be initiated upon a high outgoing sys tem fluid temperature
s hutdown.
f. If the
discharge air temperature
drops below 40
F, compress or operation
will be disabled. The compress or will be enabled as s oon as the
temperature ris es above 55
F. The discharge air temperature s ens or is
mounted on the fan hous ing. Actual compres s or res tart will be delayed
a minimum of 5 minutes by the anti-recycle timer. A flas h code of 4 will
be initiated upon a low dis charge air temperature s hutdown.
g. The condens ate level s ens or is a 100 ohm thermistor that is heated for
15 seconds every 4 minutes ; its temperature is meas ured at the
beginning and end of this heating cycle. If the condens ate level ris es
above the s ens or, it will not warm up during the heating cycle, and the
temperature change will be ins ignificant. It is this lack of temperature
change that the controller s ees as an impending condens ate overflow.
When a high condens ate level is detected, compres s or operation is
immediately terminated, and at the same time the fan is s topped for 30
s econds , and then res tarted. At this time a flas h code of 7 will be
initiated. The 4 minute cycle will continue until the cooling call is no
longer in place. If the condensate level drops below the s ens or,
compres s or operation will be returned to normal. However, if the
condens ate level s tays above the s ens or for more than 15 minutes , the
fault alarm will be triggered. This fault s ignal will automatically be
res et once the condens ate level goes below the s ens or.
: The las t flas h code will be maintained in memory for one week or until the unit
controls are powered down. The flash code will continue until the problem has cleared
and the compres sor has been put into operation. If a cooling call is in place, it mustbe
dis engaged before the caus e of the las t alarm s hutdown can be identified.
Operation Algorithm
There are several control algorithms to prevent cycling and problematic operation.These
1. Double Call – If the thermos tat connection or s et up is incorrect res ulting in a
s imultaneous call for both heating and cooling, the unit will not operate. This