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After the equipment is installed, it must be grounded separately, don’t use the com-
mon ground of the electrical box or instrument box.
Suggestion: When the ultrasonic level meter is connected to the frequency conver-
ter, PLC and other devices that have interference, an isolation transformer should
be added to the power supply part, and a signal isolator should be added to the sig-
nal part, and reliable grounding should be done.
The signal line must not be installed in the same slot with the power line and
the power line. It must be installed separately through a metal pipe, or instal-
led away from the power line and power line. Under the premise of not being
installed through the pipe, the distance from the power line and power line at
least 1 meter
2.5 Anti-interference Measures:
Under material level measuring mode, the positions of reference zero point,
maximum of measuring range and minimum of measuring range are as shown in
Fig. 1.2
Level Measurement Mode; measure the distance from water surface to water bot-
Fig. 1.2 Diagram of Material Measurement Level
Low Point:
the distance from the reference plane to this position. When the low
point of the range is higher than the reference plane, the value is positive, and
when it is lower than the reference plane, the value is negative. When the liquid
level is at this position, 4mA current is output.
High Point:
the distance from the reference plane to this position. The value is
positive when the range high point is higher than the reference plane, and negative
when it is lower than the reference plane. When the liquid level is at this position,
20mA current is output.