C h a p t e r 1 : P r o d u c t I n t r o d u c t i o n
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Ultrasonic level meter (for material and liquid level measurement) is a non-
contact highly reliable and cost-effective material level measuring instrument
which is easily installed and maintained. It can meet most of the material level
measurement requirements without touching the medium. It is a new generation
ultrasonic level meter with fully independent property rights developed by the
company via years of hard work.
Chapter 2: Operating Instructions for Simple Settings
As the meter installation site environment is different, the basic information of
measurement to be done must be learnt before the operation of the ultrasonic le-
vel meter, such as the measuring range, zero point, full scale and site conditions.
Therefore, the meter must be set before measurement.
please do not modify probe selection, parameter correction and algo-
rithm selection without permission.
Normally the ultrasonic level meter produced by us shall be installed as per the
installation requirements of the manual and after that, the equipment can be nor-
mally used only after the following several parameters are set.
There are three buttons on the panel, via which the meter can be adjusted. The
measured values are displayed on the LCD screen after the adjustment.
Enter Menu Item
Exit Menu Item
Confirm Parameter Modification
Move Cursor
Modify Parameter
Choose Menu Item