Rake interval
The rake limit switch starts a measuring cycle. When the rake is passing the rake limit
switch the CBX will execute a sampling cycle. It is possible to configure the number of
pulses from the rake switch that is needs for a measuring cycle to start. This parameter
is called “
trig int
”. It can be used for delaying the time between the samples, normally
you will take a sample every 30 -‐ 45 minute. The pulse from the rake limit must not be
longer than one complete measuring cycle on the CBX.
Emergency retraction of the cable
If the CBX for some reason does not retract the cable, then it is possible to do manually.
But always try to switch off the main power to the CBX for 10 seconds and then back on
line again. The CBX will always start with retracting the cable to “
home position
” after a
power loss. If the cable still does not retract use the emergency motor control switch
that is located on the box for the terminal block inside the CBX. The switch can be
located on top of the terminal box or under the lid. As a safety feature, you must press
and hold the door switch in during manual operation.
As a safety you must press and hold the door switch in during manual operation.
Configuration terms
Home position, A
The sensor will always return to this position.
Blind zone, B
Sludge or foam detected in this zone during lowering of the sensor is not registered.
Unwanted interference is prevented by setting this zone to be 1’ (0.3m) below the
normal liquid surface. Sensor does not start to measure until it reaches this distance.
Max depth, C
This is the maximum distance from the home position. The sensor will stop at this depth
if no sludge is detected. The sensor might stop and return at a shorter distance if a rake
guard offset is entered (F).
Sludge level, D
The sludge level distance from bottom found when the preset sludge concentration is
Measured range, E
The output signal will vary from 4-‐20 mA within this range.
Raker, F
This denotes the safe height from the bottom (Max depth) to a point where the sensor
always must stop and then turn back to home position to alleviate hitting the bottom
Fluff, G
The fluff layer or depth found when the present fluff concentration is reached.