CERIO software core : cen_v3.0
Hidden SSID
: Select this option to enable the SSID to broadcast in your network. When
configuring the network, it is suggested to enable this function but disable it when the
configuration is complete. With this enabled, someone could easily obtain the SSID
information with the site survey software and get unauthorized access to a private network.
With this disabled, network security is enhanced and can prevent the SSID from begin
seen on networked.
Client Isolation
: Select Enable, all clients will be isolated from each other, that means all
clients can not reach to other clients.
: Inter Access-Point Protocol is designed for the enforcement of unique association
throughout a ESS(Extended Service Set) and for secure exchange of station's security
context between current access point (AP) and new AP during hand off period.
IAPP only used on WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK security type. Only one of VAPs can be
Maximum Clients
: Enter maximum number of clients to a desired number. For example,
while the number of client is set to 32, only 32 clients are allowed to connect with this VAP.
: Virtual LAN, the system supports tagged VLAN. To enable VLAN function;
valid values are from 0 to 4094.
Security Type
: Select the desired security type from the drop-down list; the options are
WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise and WEP 802.1X.
: Data are unencrypted during transmission when this option is selected.
: WEP, Wired Equivalent Privacy, is a data encryption mechanism based on a
64-bit, 128-bit or 152-bit shared key. Select WEP as the security type from the drop
down list as desired.