SKU 32206/32208
For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353.
impOrtANt SAFetY
iNFOrmAtiON ............................... 3
general tool Safety Warnings .............3
Bandsaw Safety Warnings ...................5
Vibration Safety .....................................6
grOUNDiNg iNStrUCtiONS ........ 6
grounded tools: tools with three
prong plugs ........................................6
SpeCiFiCAtiONS ............................. 8
Optional Accessories ...........................8
UNpACKiNg ..................................... 8
hardware Bag Contents .......................8
ASSemBlY ....................................... 9
phASe 1: Stand Assembly ...................9
phASe 2: Foot Assembly ....................11
phASe 3: Bandsaw Body to Stand
Assembly ...........................................11
phASe 4: motor to Stand Assembly ..12
pulley mounting ..............................12
motor mounting ...............................13
motor Wiring ....................................14
phASe 5: table Assembly...................15
phASe 6: pulley Cover Assembly
and Belt installation ..........................16
Belt installation ...............................16
Side panel installation....................17
phASe 7: Upper guide and post
Cover Assembly ................................17
phASe 8: Saw Blade installation........19
Saw Blade tensioning and
tracking ........................................21
guide and Bearing Adjustment .....22
SettiNgS ........................................ 24
Blade guide Adjustment .....................24
table Angle Adjustment ......................24
Blade Speed Adjustment - for SKU
32208 only ..........................................25
OperAtiON .................................... 25
mAiNteNANCe AND SerViCiNg .. 26
Cleaning, maintenance, and
lubrication .........................................26
troubleshooting ...................................26
pArtS liStS ................................ 28
Assembly Diagram and parts list A -
Stand ..................................................28
Assembly Diagram B - Saw Body .......29
parts list B - Saw Body .......................30
Assembly Diagram and parts list C
- Single Speed pulley (32206) ...........31
Assembly Diagram and parts list D
- Four Speed pulleys (32208) ...........31
90 DAY WArrANtY ........................ 32