In the main menu, touch EXECUTE.
If the stop is not yet initialised, it will return to its origin point (stop offset). This will be the one
and only time that automatic initialisation occurs after switching on; after this the position is set
automatically. The first execution screen is then displayed.
You can call up a reference for execution via the FILE key. You can modify the execution pa-
rameters by touching GIVE SIZES or STD SIZES.
This does not alter the saved parameters, but only those that are executed. In every case:
The dimension depends on the moulding thickness and the dimension position: Internal or Ex-
- If the dimension is INTERNAL, the standard play (allowance) is automatically added (see
how to set this play in Parameters section, page 9). The play for the cut to be made can be
modified by pressing the ADD PLAY key on the screen.
- The minimum and maximum measure capacities depend on the moulding thickness and the
dimension position (internal / external).
- Use the dimension keys that are shown next to the length (L) and width (W) of the frame to
switch from short to long dimension.
- Use INTER. / EXTER. to switch your choice between internal (rebate) and external (outside of
frame) measures (unless the external dimension is locked – see Parameters section page 10)).
- The dimensions are computed for 45° (version for 999). The numeric stops QUICK or
SMART coming with a 999 MA (multi-angled) need to be informed of the cutting angle of
the saw ; press the 45°-key on screen to change it to 30° (6-sided frames) or 22.5° (8-sided
Note : the angle changes on the 999 MA saw and on the numeric stop are independent from
each other.
- The machine features a cut counter which is incremented each time the blades START a cut. To
reset to 0000, touch the CUT key. This does not reset the general counter to 00000000 (dis-
played on the first screen at start-up).
- If STOP OFF is pressed (red rotating-locking «mushroom» button) the stop returns to its point
of origin after unlocking. Any mouldings present must be removed.
- If a dimension beyond the stop limits is entered, it is automatically reset to the limit position.
The file parameters displayed in this screen
are the last parameters created, modified,
listed or executed. This means that after a
machine power failure, you do not need to
re-enter a reference before resuming work.
Also, you can list the file that you are inter-
ested in and then execute it without having
to call up its reference.
Once the values have been entered, you can use the OK key to validate the file or choose not to
validate it and return to the file menu using the RET key.
Likewise, from the file menu screen, you can modify an existing file, delete a file or view the file
list. The files are not necessarily arranged in chronological entry order. A deleted file is in fact a
file with values set to 0000 (this programme function is also found on models CS4095 /