Specifications Modbus protocol
Transmission speed: 10/100 Mbit / s.
Automatic negotiation of transmission speed.
Auto -MDIX (automatic swap for crossed cables), disconnection after 10 sec without access to the registers (modifiable via MODBUS).
Maximum number of simultaneous connections: 8 Default address:
Transmission speed: 9600 bit / s.
1 stop bit, even parity, disconnection after 10 without access to the registers (modifiable via MODBUS) closing bridge of the rs485 card, to be
entered if the unit is the last device in the line.
Web server
Installed directly on the touch panel we have a web server that allows us to monitor the status of the machine and modify its parameters
through PC. Modifications made with web services are permanent and remain stored even if the unit is turned off. For the connection to the
web server to be correct, the first three fields of the IP address of the panel and that of the computer to which it is connected must match. For
example, if our address is, the address of the PC should be 192.168.1.xxx. To start the web server after connecting the network
machine, open your browser and type in the address bar: http \\
The main screen will appear as in the figure:
On the screen we find a reproduction of the typical touch panel screen, the differences are the variations that are made with the arrow but-
tons. You can increase or decrease the values of a unit by clicking on the button of an arrow; with the button of two arrows it can be increased
or decreased in several units. By means of the central button you can carry out the direct shutdown of the after-heating, fans and timer. The
modifications made are saved automatically after 5 seconds. The writing of the retention records via Modbus is disabled for 60 sec after each
modification made with the web server. To have a continuous update of the website, click on the “refresh on” button, it will go to “refresh
off” and the page will be updated every 5 sec. If the machine is equipped with a post-heating system we will also have the desired set point
temperature. Clicking on the Menu icon displays a list of available options, which are selected with the arrow keys. For the description of the
different menus, see the previous sections.
Main screen web server
increase/decrease 1 unit
increase/decrease 10 units
Return temperature
Input temperature
Expelled temperature