Sowing Amount / 10”x20” tray
Grams I Ounces
Germination Days
(domes on)
Days to
(potting soil)
Flavor Profile
3-5 days
12-21 days
1 every 4 days
Sorrell, Ruby-Veined
3-7 days
12-20 days
1 every 4 days
Tangy, lemon, mildly sour
2-3 days
8-12 days
1 every 4 days
Swiss Chard
2-5 days
8-12 days
1 every 4 days
Sweet, earthy
Tangerine Gem (marigold)
7-14 days
20-30 days
1 every 4 days
Citrus, tangerine, mild pepper
2-4 days
8-12 days
1 every 4 days
Mild mustard
Thyme (various)
5-8 days
25-35 days
1 every 5 days
Thyme, some have lemon, cinnamon tones
3-8 days
10-12 days
1 every 3 days
Spicy, peppery
1 to 2
2-3 days
7-12 days
1 every 4 days
Mild grassy, slightly bitter
*Figures in this table are estimates. Germination & harvest times may vary depending on seed variety, quality & growing conditions. Consult instructions from your seed supplier.
¹For soil-free (hydroponic) growing, watering cycle frequency and duration are dependent on type of media that is used. See Growing Tips below.
Sowing Your Seeds
The amounts in the table are estimates. A good rule of thumb is a density of 1/8” to 1/4” spacing in the tray. Consult the directions
from your seed supplier. As you use your GardenChef®, keep track of germination and density of growing plants. If they seem a
bit sparse, add a little more seed to your trays in the next growing cycle. Conversely, if they seem too thick, dial it back. There are
numerous resources on the internet that can be helpful to develop your farmer instincts. In addition to planting tips, you can find
information on the pros and cons of various types of growing media.
Purchase Seeds from Reputable Suppliers
There are many suppliers online. Make sure they are reputable and follow safe practices for producing seed.
Growing in Potting Soil
The Growing Chart is a good starting point for growing in soil. We recommend beginners start with growing in soil as it is easier
and plants take naturally to growing in soil! Use commercially produced potting soil. Do not use garden soil or dirt from outdoors.
Hydroponic Growing Media
Your GardenChef can be used for growing hydroponically. Some hydroponic media, such as perlite, drain and dry quickly. Others,
such as coconut coir, are like a sponge and absorb a large amount of water. Depending on the media, you will have to adjust the
frequency and duration of your watering cycles.
About Nutrients
Potting Soil:
Enough nutrients are present in potting soil for about 2-3 weeks, which is adequate for most growing cycles. If you
plan to extend the growing cycle, you will need to add nutrients to the reservoir.
Hydroponic media is sterile, meaning there are no nutrients in it for plants. You will have to add nutrients to the
reservoir throughout the growing cycle to feed your plants. Follow the instructions on the nutrient bottle.
pH Levels
Most plants are happy at a pH between 5 and 7, which is slightly acidic (7 being neutral). Most tap water is neutral. If pH gets
much over 7, it will affect the health and vigor of your plants. As growing cycles progress, pH tends to rise. The cabinet is
equipped to monitor and change the pH as necessary, so make sure you set up pH dosing with a pH down solution. You can get
pH down at your local garden supply center. DO NOT USE POOL CHEMICALS.
Monitor Your Plants
The best way to learn is to check your plants daily and observe their growth and health. You can nip potential problems in the
bud, learn how your plants grow and when to harvest for your particular needs.
Regular Cleaning
A healthy environment makes healthy plants. Clean your cabinet and growing supplies regularly to reduce the chance of contami-
nation. See cleaning instructions on page 17-19 and sanitation guidelines on page 22.
Disease Prevention
In addition to regular cleaning, monitor your watering cycles, temperature and humidity levels. Overwatering, or too much humidity
can cause mold to grow. Adjust them as needed.