b. Allows for installing and securing ductwork
to curb prior to mounting unit on the curb.
3. Integrated Economizers:
a. Integrated integral-modulating type capable
of simultaneous economizer and compressor
b. Includes all hardware and controls to provide
cooling with outdoor air.
c. Equipped with low-leakage dampers not to
exceed 3% leakage, at 1 in. wg pressure dif-
ferential (Durablade economizer).
d. Capable of introducing up to 100% outdoor
air in both minimum and fully open
e. Equipped with a gravity relief sliding plate
damper (Durablade economizer). Damper
shall close upon unit shutoff.
f. EconoMi$er shall be equipped with a baro-
metric relief damper with up to 100% of
return air (004-007) or 90% of return air
(008-014) relief. The Durablade econo-
mizer is equipped with 30% of return-air
relief (004-014).
g. Designed to close damper during loss-of-
power situations with emergency power
supply (Durablade economizer) or spring
return built into motor (EconoMi$er).
h. Dry bulb outdoor-air thermostat protection
shall be provided as standard.
i. Durablade economizer is a guillotine-style
damper, and the EconoMi$er is a parallel
blade design.
4. Manual Outdoor-Air Damper:
Manual damper package shall consist of
damper, birdscreen, and rainhood which can be
preset to admit up to 50% outdoor air for year-
round ventilation.
5. 100% Two-Position Damper:
a. Two-position damper package shall include
single blade damper and motor. Admits up
to 100% outdoor air.
b. Damper shall close upon indoor (evaporator)
fan shutoff.
c. Designed to close damper during loss of
power situations.
d. Equipped with barometric relief damper.
6. 25% Two-Position Damper:
a. Two-position damper package shall include
single blade damper and motor. Admits up
to 25% outdoor air.
b. Damper shall close upon indoor (evaporator)
fan shutoff.
c. Designed to close damper during loss of
power situations.
d. Equipped with barometric relief damper.
7. Solid-State Enthalpy Control:
Capable of sensing outdoor-air enthalpy con-
tent (temperature and humidity) and control-ling
economizer cut-in point to have minimum heat
content air passing over the evaporator coil for
most efficient system operation.
8. Differential Enthalpy Sensor:
a. For use with Durablade economizer only.
b. Capable of comparing enthalpy content
(temperature and humidity) of outdoor and
indoor air and controlling economizer cut-in
point at the most economical level.
9. Low Ambient Control Packages:
Each package consists of condenser-coil tem-
perature sensor to maintain condensing tem-
perature between 90 F and 110 F at outdoor
ambient temperatures down to –20 F by con-
denser-fan speed modulation or condenser-fan
10. Thermostat and Subbase:
Provides staged cooling and heating automatic
(or manual) changeover, fan control, and indica-
tor light.
11. Thru-The-Bottom Service Connectors:
Kit shall provide connectors to permit electrical
and gas connections to be brought to the unit
through the basepan.
12. Electronic Programmable Thermostat:
Capable of using deluxe full-featured electronic
thermostat. Shall use built-in compressor cycle
delay control for both heating and cooling duty.
Capable of working with Carrier direct digital
13. Condenser Coil Hail Guard Assembly:
Hail guard shall protect against damage from
hail and flying debris.
14. High Static Motor and Drive (004-012 only):
High Static motor and drive shall be factory-
installed to provide additional performance
15. Condenser Coil Guard Grille:
The grille protects the condenser coil from
damage by large objects without increasing unit
16. Compressor Cycle Delay:
Unit shall be prevented from restarting for a
minimum of 5 min. after shutdown.
17. Fan/Filter Status Switch:
Provides status of evaporator fan (ON/OFF) or
indoor-air filter (CLEAN/DIRTY). Status shall
be displayed over communication bus when
used with direct digital controls or with an indi-
cator light at the thermostat.
Guide specifications (cont)