30% Ultimate ARF
Flat part of gear leg must be
parallel to center line of air-
Align the gear so the outside hole
will go through the center of the
aluminum bracket. Align the inside
edge of the gear parallel to the cen-
ter line. It will be approximately 1/8”
out side the line, don’t worry about
the spacing. The gear should be
approximately 1/8” off the bulkhead
at the rear. Mark and drill the out-
side hole. Install the 1/4-20 x 1-1/2”
socket head cap screw and secure on
the inside with a flat washer and air-
craft lock nut. Just snug the nut up
at this time. Do not drill the inside
hole yet. Install the other gear in the
same manner.
Check that the flat part of the gear
leg is parallel to the center line of
the plane. You can move the gear by
letting it pivot on the one bolt. When
the gear is aligned, drill the other
bolt hole and install the bolt, wash-
er and nut and tighten. You can now
finish tightening the other bolt.
Install the axles on the gear legs. Be
careful and don’t over tighten the
nuts. It looks like a big bolt but the
center is drilled out to accept the
axle and can be over tightened easily.
Locate the tail wheel spring and cut
into two equal pieces. Bend a loop
into each end.