The wings are 95% finished at the factory, and
have already been installed on your fuselage to
check alignment. They fit on a Ø 30 x 790mm
aluminium alloy spar tube, with 6mm Ø fibre-
glass rod anti-rotation pins at the front and back,
which are all completed for you. Each wing is
secured to the fuselage with a large M6 plastic
nut, that screws onto the factory-installed bolt in
the wing root. All you need to do is mount the
servos, glue in the aileron horns and make up
the linkages using the included hardware.
Please double-check now that the front and rear
anti-rotation pins, and the M6 nylon wing bolt,
are securely glued into the root ribs of the wings.
You can also check the inside structure of the
wings easily at this point, thru’ the cutouts in the
root ribs - to make sure that all critical compo-
nents are properly glued in position.
Mill the slots at least 13mm deep, and glue the
phenolic aileron horns into the milled slots in the
same way as the elevator horns, making sure
that the clevise holes are perpendicular to the
hinge axis, which is about 3mm behind the slot
in the bottom of the wing skin. As before, we
advise you to fit just
horn first, then make a
template (see photo right) to ensure that the
other horn is positioned the same. You can
make the template from card or thin ply, with a
1.6mm drill or piece of wire thru’ it to locate in the
upper hole of the horn.
Servo choice:
We highly recommend using a
hi-torque digital servo (eg: JR/Graupner
8511/8611 or Futaba S9351) for each aileron as
the surfaces are very large. We also
recommend that you secure the phenolic servo
arm extensions to
output discs on the ser-
vos, and
plastic discs. (see also page 19)
The servo hatch openings are pre-cut in the
wing, and supplied with matching servo covers
and CNC milled plywood servo mounts. Sand
the inside surface of the hatch covers and the
milled ply parts that make up the servo mounts
to make sure you have a good gluing surface.
Assemble the servo mounts from the milled ply-
wood parts for each servo, using thin CA and a
Composite-ARF Yak 55