Composite-ARF Yak 55
number of washers and wheel collars required to give
the correct clearance between the wheel and the
wheelpant. For safety add a drop of Loctite to the lock-
nut on the inside of the carbon leg also.
C-ARF can supply an optional tailwheel assembly for
this Yak 2.1m, or use any 25mm/1” Ø lightweight
wheel assembly from a hobby store. Shown here is
the Graupner 1” tailwheel assembly, available from C-
ARF as product #801002. You will need to use a sand-
ing block to create a small flat surface on the bottom
of the fuselage for the tailwheel bracket to sit on.
You do not need to make the tailwheel steerable
unless you fly from a hard runway - on grass a simple
fixed, or castoring action, is fine. A 3mm plywood plate
(15mm x 60mm) is already factory-installed in the bot-
tom of the fuselage in front of the fin post to secure the
tailwheel assembly to.
Cockpit Canopy
A painted moulded fibreglass canopy frame and clear
cockpit canopy are provided in the kit. Fitting the clear
canopy is quite simple, as the canopy is quite small
and rigid. Complete all the canopy frame fixings
gluing in the clear canopy.
There are many methods of securing the canopy
frame to the fuselage. However we highly recommend
that you use the method shown here, using 4 plywood
tongues secured with M4 bolts and T-nuts, as it is rat-
tle-free, resistant to vibration and improves the tor-
sional stiffness of the fuselage - compared to using
hatch-catches etc.
Lightly sand (or scrape with the edge of a sharp knife)
the joint seams on both the fuselage and the canopy
frame that could prevent it sitting perfectly flush, and
check the fit to the fuselage. Tape the frame firmly in
position to the fuselage all around, and check align-
ment carefully.
Using a small flat file, make the 4 slots thru’ the flange
in the bottom flange of the canopy frame and the fuse-
lage flange. Each slot should be 3mm wide and 20 - 21 mm long. The outside edge of the slots
should only be 3 - 4mm inside the outer surface of the canopy frame. Position the slots about
50mm (2”) from the front and back of the canopy frame. Now remove the canopy frame, and
the slots in the fuselage flange to 4.5mm width, 1.5mm extra towards the inside of
Any standard lightweight tailwheel
assembly will do. Notice also the tape
on the bottom of the rudder to prevent
the hinge wire sliding out in flight.
(above) 3mm thick ply blocks for rear
canopy fixings - secured with thick
microballoons mixture.
(below) Front blocks are 6mm thick,
tapered to match fuselage shape.