Both main legs are identical. Drill through the two
molded in dimples in the top of each leg, with a
sharp 5.5mm diameter bit. Using the M4 T-nuts to
check the position, drill four Ø 2mm holes around
each Ø 5.5 hole for the spikes of the T-nut to fit into.
Using one of the M4 bolts and a washer, pull the T-
nuts into the carbon legs a little, and secure them
with one small drop of thick CA. Trial fit both carbon
legs to the fuselage now, passing them thru’ the
factory milled slots in the fuselage, and bolting
them to the
of the black fibreglass
exhaust tunnel using the M4 x 16mm bolts and
washers from inside the fuselage. When the align-
ment is correct, secure the T-nuts to the legs per-
manently using 30 minute epoxy on each T-nut.
Drill 4mm Ø thru’ the molded dimple in the bottom
of the carbon legs, and then fit the carbon legs into
the molded recess on the back of each wheel pant
and drill 4mm thru’ the wheelpant also, using the
hole in the leg to ensure correct alignment.
The wheelpants are designed for 4” wheels, and
we used the Dubro 400TL, which fit perfectly and
are durable enough for operation from hard sur-
faces also.
The wheels are installed using the supplied M4 x
45mm allen bolts as the axles, with the head of the
bolt on the outside of the wheel, and you will need
some spacers between the wheel and the plywood
inner plate of the wheelpant to give about 3 - 4mm
If using the Dubro 400TL the sequence of parts on
the axle bolt should be: Bolt head, M4 washer,
wheel hub, 1 or 2 washers, wheelcollar, M4 nut
(with Loctite), washer, wheelpant, carbon leg,
washer and finally the M4 Locknut provided. If
using different wheels you may need to change the
Composite-ARF Yak 55