Major notifications, description and troubleshooting
Power failure (the
control unit is re
ceiving insufficient
High system tem‐
Low/high pressure
Connection error
When the control unit is no longer receiving
power, it activates an audible warning and
orange light in the function button. Turn
off the sound notification by pressing the
function button on the front. The control
unit will turn itself off when the power in the
control unit has been used up completely.
Make sure that the power adaptor is con‐
nected to the wall and the control unit. Also
check that the On/Off switch on the side of
the control unit is set to position 1 (On).
When the temperature in the control unit
becomes too high, an audible warning and
orange light in the function button are
activated. Turn off the sound notification
by pressing the function button on the
front. The control unit will turn itself off for
cooling. The control unit will restart after
Make sure that the control unit’s filter is
not clogged and that the control unit is not
positioned in direct sunlight.
Sound and light
warnings that
are activated
in the event
of high/low
pressure in the
mattress. Turn
off the sound
notification by pressing the function button
on the front.
It will be activated again after approx. five
minutes if the pressure has not returned to
Check all connections in the mattress and
that the CPR connection is connected cor‐
If the correct
air pressure is
not achieved
in the mat‐
tress within
20–40 min
(depending on
the size of the
mattress) from start‐up and when filling, the
control unit will notify of a connection error.
Turn off the sound notification by pressing
the function button on the front. It will be
activated again after approx. five minutes if
the connection error has not been rectified.
Make sure that the tube connection is cor‐
rectly fitted to the control unit. Make sure
that the mattress is the correct size for the
control unit (read from article number, i.e
080200 is 80x200 cm both on mattress and
control unit).
Notifications are shown with a warning triangle on
the main menu, with a dedicated display image, or
simply with a sound and flashing orange light in the
function button on the front.
Notifications are silenced and acknowledged
(disabled) using the function button on the front.
In the event of problems with Notifications, see
section 8 for troubleshooting.
Silent notifications
The error has minor or no significance for operation or
function and should not disturb the user unnecessary. Silent
notification also contains information.
Examples of these notifications are service notifications
where the control unit shows the error/disturbance using the
function button. Information on the type of error is shown in
the display, see notification types below, and when
acknowledging, the system continues to work with the
triangle lit up in the left hand corner of the main menu.
If the air pressure remains low, search for damage on the
mattress and the tubes. Repair when required or contact Care
of Sweden or your local distributor.
Silent notifications
If the control unit is in need of ser‐
vice, this is shown with an image.
The service codes refer to different
service actions, depending on which
firmware version the control unit has
installed. To find out which firmware
version is installed, press the information button on the
Service codes
These Service codes provide information on minor deviations in
the system which do not directly impact function, but for which
a Service should be planned.
Always try restarting the device before contacting service, see
If the problem persists or if the problem recurs frequently,
contact Care of Sweden or your local distributor.
Service code: 1
Leakage in the
system (Service
Leakage in the
system (Service
Leakage in the
system (Service
Service code: 2
Battery charge
error (Service
Battery charge
error/Real time
clock error (Ser‐
vice required)
Battery charge
error/Real time
clock error (Ser‐
vice required)
Service code: 3
Real time clock
error (Service
firm initiated too
frequently (No
action required)
Maxfirm initiated
too frequently (No
action required)