3.2.1 Automatic Setting
The control unit is equipped with a function that
automatically sets the pressure based on the user’s weight,
posture and position. This function works in the following
three ways:
1. The control unit carries out an automatic setting
immediately after switching the system on.
2. During usage, if any significant change occurs, the control
unit will perform an automatic setting.
3. When in use, the control unit will carry out automatic
settings at fixed intervals to ensure correct control of the
pressure in the mattress at all times.
Once the automatic setting has completed, the control unit
will start in the Pulsating mode.
3.2.2 Programs
IQ Cirrus
is preset with a Pulsating mode, a
comfort mode that combines Constant low pressure
(CLP) with Alternating mode. A cycle period of 10
minutes is default.
3.2.3 Maximum pressure (caring mode)
With this function, the entire mattress is
inflated and provides firmed support. This
function automatically reverts to the
previous setting after approx. 20 minutes.
The function should be used when caring the user, shifting
the user’s position or moving the user in or out of bed.
3.3 Hand check (function control)
The hand check is used to ensure that the mattress is
working properly. This must be performed regularly; we
recommend once per shift, or every eight hours.
Open the cover and insert a hand between the upper cells
beneath the user’s sacrum (center of the mattress). Check
to ensure that there is a gap to the underlying surface so
that the user does not ‘bottom out’. If you can feel the
user’s sacrum resting in the palm of your hand, the gap is
too small. Make a new automatic setting or see section 8
3.4 Sitting positioning in bed
When raising the head end of the bed into a sitting position,
always secure the user´s position. To ensure the product
functionality, we always recommend to perform a hand-
check (see section 3.3). For additional support, positioning
pillows can be used. We recommend that a sitting position
only shall be used for short periods of time.
3.5 CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
In case of an emergency
where CPR
resuscitation) is
necessary, remove the
connection (marked ‘CPR’)
from the control unit and
leave the lid open in order
to empty the mattress of
air quickly.
3.6 Notifications
Different notifications exist based on how serious
the warning is. With a malfunction or an error, a
notification will be given by way of a flashing
warning triangle. To mute the warning signal,
press the mute button.
The notification code is shown on the
four different diodes above the wrench
symbol. For more information about
the different notification codes, see section 3.6.1.