Disassemble, wash and disinfect the breast pump components which come in contact with mother's milk, always
before and after each use of the breast pump.
Do not wash or disinfect control panel or AC adapter.
Ensure the overall purity of the product. Prevent the build-up of dust and other contaminants that may
adversely affect the work of the product.
Taking special care of hygiene is important to ensure the safety of mother and child.
Elements of the device not intended for cleaning must be protected against water and moisture.
NOTE! Insufficient suction may result in a smaller amount of milk, but too high suction can cause soreness and
reduce production of milk. If you notice this type of failure, you should adjust the suction power.
When to use a breast pump?
If possible, wait until lactation stabilizes, which usually occurs within 2-4 weeks after birth.
Exceptions to this rule:
If your breasts produce too much milk, they become swollen and hard (engorged). Expressing a small
amount of milk before or during a feed can give you relief and help your baby to grasp the nipple.
If you have inverted nipples (which may occur because of long intervals between feeds.)
If you have a concave, flat or damaged nipples (using a breast pump can improve nipple shape).
If you feel overflow between breastfeeds and do not want to wake the baby.
The baby is sick and does not want to suckle.
If your breasts produce too little milk, using the pump between feeds will help increase milk production.
When you are working or away from home and want to continue breastfeeding, you should regularly
express milk using a breast pump to sustain the natural process of lactation.
How often should you express milk?
If mother temporarily cannot breastfeed it is recommended to express milk using breast pump at least 8 times for
every 24 hours. This will keep the lactation at the appropriate level. In the beginning you may experience difficulty
in expressing larger amount of milk, but after a few days you will be expressing more.
Also during stabilized lactation, possibility of single expression is smaller (30-60 ml), that is why collecting one
portion of milk may require several sessions.
PIC. 1 – Breast pump set