the fence you leave 3 to 5 ft. of space between where you will want your pet
to run safely, and where the Computer Collar
unit will begin to tone.
At your Asphalt/Concrete/Gravel driveway, select where you will cross the
driveway with the perimeter (boundary) wire. (Remember that your pet will stop 6-
8 ft. back from where you select the driveway crossing).
For Asphalt driveways, you will use a chalk snap line to mark a line across
the driveway where you will be scoring a straight line about ½ inch (13mm)
deep, creating a channel for the perimeter (boundary) wire to lie in.
For Concrete driveways, find an expansion joint (line in the concrete where
two pads meet) and you will score the expansion joint about ½ inch (13mm)
deep to create a channel for the wire to lie in.
For Gravel driveways, using a pix axe, you will create a trench across the
gravel driveway about 4-6 inches deep. You will run the wire through garden
hose, flex tubing or heavy-wall PVC pipe in the trench and then bury it by
hand. The pipe will keep the wire from being cut or abraded by the stones,
particularly under driveways, walkways, and other high traffic areas.
Planning Tip:
Occasionally a client may have to install their Invisible Fence
Brand system in a yard
where their neighbor in the adjacent property has an Invisible Fence
Brand system. You
will want to identify if your neighbor has an Invisible Fence
Brand system, or another pet
containment system, before beginning your installation. Separate systems on adjacent
properties must often be set to operate at different frequencies. One system must be set to
operate at 7 kHz and the other system must be set to operate at 10 kHz on properties
where the loop wires will be closer together than 8 feet (2.4 m). If the operating frequency
of the existing system is 7 kHz, then the system you are going to install should be set to
operate at 10 kHz to keep the neighboring signal fields from interfering with each other.