4. Position the template frame as shown in
(p. 12). The arrangement with two
tower legs parallel to the equator is preferred for mounting a solar panel facing the
equator. In instances where a crossarm needs to run perpendicular to the equator, such as
precision pyranometer measurements, rotate the template and template frame 90° and
mount the frame on the East and West sides of the concrete form. This lines up two tower
legs perpendicular to the equator. The top of each bolt will be 7.6 cm ± 0.6 cm (3 in ±
0.25 in) above the level of the form. Level the tops of the J-bolts in all directions using a
small level and secure the J-bolt template to the template frame with 25 mm (1 in) screws
where holes in the template overlap the wooden frame.
FIGURE 7-4. Template frame orientation
5. Fill the hole and form with concrete. Screed the concrete level with the top of the form as
shown in
(p. 11). Smooth the concrete around the three J-bolts and allow the
concrete to cure.
It is common for air to be trapped behind the knee portion of a J-bolt. Use a stick or
rod to stir and tamp around each J-bolt to ensure proper anchoring.
6. Remove the top nuts, washers, and J-bolt template pieces. Leave the two bottom nuts and
one flat washer on each J-bolt. Remove the template frame and the concrete form.
UT6 and UT10 Universal Towers