Manuale Uniflam Idro rev. 00
ATTENTION: Please note that the usage of the product has to be in agreement with all national
and local rules and regulations.
CAUTION: Position the stove at least 80 cm away from flammable materials, if this distance cannot
be respected it is considerable to make use of a thermal protection (UNI 7129, UNI 10683).
4.1 Before start: checking of proper operation
Once the installation of the heater is completed in the right place with a correct connection to the
water supply and a proper connection to the evacuation of smoke (flue), the stove can be heated
for the first time.
CAUTION: It is necessary that all rules of installation described in this manual and all local laws and
rules, including those that refer to national and European standards, are respected when the
product is installed.
For the verification if the product has been installed in correct way the following operation can be
proceeded together with an installer:
1. Fill up the plumbing of the heater by the use of the natural water flow from the expansion tank.
2. Leave the radiator vents fully open during the loading phase so that air bubbles formed in the
plant exit not to have a negative effect on the heat exchange or create noises.
3. Check that the circulator pump functions and set the starting temperature in the thermostat
(50-60°C generally, unless specific needs).
4. Carefully prepare a bed of small well-dried wood and do not put excessive amounts in order not
to cause an overheating of the stove.