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Note: Choose “Compatible” if the modem is to be used with RNet 9600S (crystal) or T-Modem96
units with serial numbers below 103500. The buffer icon to the right of his option will turn to an inverting
buffer when “Compatible” is selected. Choose “Enhanced” for other applications to achieve better
Important: All units in a network must use the same Data Format setting. Network Type
Interdependent with Baud Rate and Data Type, Network Type allows over-the-air compatibility and
according to the products used in the network. Network Type is dependent on the modem connected to
user PC.
Figure 2-9 Network Type Connected to a GUARDIAN Modem
Figure 2-10 Network Type Connected to T-96S/DL3276
Connected to a GUARDIAN Modem, Network Types include:
1.GUARDIAN Native: available Baud Rate options include 4800/9600/19200 for full-channel units or
9600 for a half-channel units. Data Type is Enhanced Only
2.T-96S/DL3276: available Baud Rate options include 4800/9600 for full-channel units or 4800 for
units. Data Type offers two options: Enhanced and Compatible. Compatible causes the buffer
icon to change to an inverting buffer
3.Crystal: available Baud Rate options include 4800/9600 for full-channel units or 4800 for half-channel
units. Data Type offer two options: Enhanced and Compatible. Compatible causes the buffer icon to
change to an inverting buffer. Selecting this Network Type extends all RTS/CTS delays by
5 mS
with crystal units.
Connected to a T-96S/DL3276 Modem, Network Types include:
1.T-96S/DL3276: available Baud Rate options include 1200/2400/4800/9600 for full-channel units or
1200/2400/4800 for half-channel units. Data Types offer two options: Enhanced and Compatible.
causes the buffer icon to change to an inverting buffer
2.Crystal: available Baud Rate options include 1200/2400/4800/9600 for full-channel units or 4800 for
half-channel units. Data Type offer two options: Enhanced and Compatible. Compatible causes the