IT6860B User manual
Power up setting (>P-MEM)
P-MEM item is used to set operation parameters state of power supply after power up.
If select RESET, means to initialize output parameters to factory default setup. Every time
you power up the unit, the output parameters is always 0V, 0A.
If select KEEP, means to remember last shutdown parameters. The next time you power on
the unit, the output parameters are kept as the same with last shutdown setup.
Factory default set is KEEP
On/Off state after power up (>P-OUT)
P-OUT item is used to set the output state of power supply after power up.
If select KEEP, means to remain the output state of last shutdown. In this selection if you
power off the unit in output on state, then the next time you power up the unit, the output is
kept in on state.
If select OFF, means every time you power up the unit, it defaults in output OFF state.
Factory default set is OFF.
Communication set (>COMM)
IT6860B series power supply has built-in standard RS232/USB/GPIB communication
interface.>COMM item is used to set the communication mode (by RS232 or USB).
It includes six kinds of baudrate set in RS232 communication mode
(4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,11.52K).When operating the power supply in remote mode,
make sure that you configure identical baud rate settings for the power supply and the
KEY Sound Set
>BEEP item is used to set the key sound.
If select On, means enable the key sound. If select Off, means disable the key sound.
Factory default set is ON.
KNOB State
>KONB item is used to set the state of KONB.
If select ON, means unlock the rotary knob. You can use knob to scroll menu or set a value.
If select LOCK, means disable rotary knob function.
Factory default set is ON.