V560 User Manual
The module V560 houses 16 independent 32-bit channels that are grouped in 8 sections of two
channels. For each section the two channels can be cascaded by internal changeover switches in
order to obtain a single 64-bit scale.
The picture on the following page shows the changeover switches' location and position for the
different operating modes.
For each section, the corresponding changeover switch allows the connection of the even channel to
the following one, or to the corresponding input:
If the section n is configured as two 32-bit scales:
the clock of the channel 2n is the external input 2n;
the clock of the channel 2n+1 is the external input 2n+1.
If the section n is configured as a single 64-bit scales,
the clock of the channel 2n is the 32th bit of the channel 2n+1;
the clock of the channel 2n+1 is the external input 2n +1.
The 64-bit scale obtained has the following characteristics:
the clock input of the 64-bit scale is the external input 2n +1
LSB of the scale value = channel 2n+1 counting value
MSB of the scale value = channel 2n counting value
It is possible to read the status of the changeover switches via VME (see § 4.4). The table 3.1
summarizes the characteristics of the eight 64-bit scales: