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Installation Guide (MUT)
Mod. SY1527, universal multichannel power supply system
Number of pages:
00103/97:1527x.MUTx/03 HWGUIDE_REV3.DOC
Interface bus backplane
The Interface bus backplane is an AT standard passive ISA bus with 6 16-bit slots. Two
of these are occupied by the Interface Board and by the CPU Board (Fig. 3.1, p.19),
while two of the four slots left are available for additional interface boards (refer to
Section 3.5.4, p.29 for further details on the additional interface boards available for the
SY1527 system).
3.5.2 CPU
The CPU board houses a microprocessor which has direct control on the crate operation.
It fulfils the following basic functions:
direct control and monitoring of the channels;
manual and remote interfaces;
power supply control;
temperature monitoring;
fan tray monitoring.
The board houses as well an RS232 serial port interface, a VGA standard connector, a
PS/2 connector and the Ethernet 10/100baseT interface. The interfaces and connectors
are accessible on the front panel. The Ethernet interface allows for network access
facilities, such as access via INTRANET or INTERNET by using a standard Web
Browser or a Telnet connection.
A software release has been specially developed for the use with a Web Browser: it
allows monitoring and control of any crate connected to the network easily.
Secure access is guaranteed via a multilevel login profile management and password
protection for single channels or groups of channels (refer to the
User's Manual
details on this topic).
The possibility of accessing the crates via network allows for a remote technical support
and firmware upgrading reducing both its cost and the time required for the operation.
3.5.3 Interface
The Interface board is plugged into the ISA-bus of the CPU section (refer to Fig. 3.1,
p.19). This board is the system’s communication core and controls the following internal
status/control signals between the front panel and channel boards;
status/control signals and bidirectional communications between CPU and
channel boards;
bidirectional communications between the CPU and the external peripherals;
monitoring of power supply section and fan tray unit.
Additional interface boards
The additional interfaces which can be installed into the Interface Bus backplane are:
other boards according to customer’s requests.