Electronic Instrumentation
DT5730/DT5725 User Manual rev. 2
MC²Analyzer (MC²A)
MC²Analyzer (MC²A) is a software specifically designed for digitizers running the special DPP-PHA firmware (724, 725
and 730 families) and the Digital MCAs (x780 Dual Digital MCA, x781 Dual/Quad Digital MCA, DT5770).
The software is able to completely control and manage a set of boards acquiring data simultaneously, making therefore
a multi-board system a "Multichannel - Multichannel Analyzer".
MC²A allows the user to set all the relevant DPP-PHA parameters for each acquisition channel (like trigger threshold,
shaping parameters, etc.), handle the communication with the connected boards, run the data acquisition and plot
both waveforms for on-line monitoring of the acquisition and histograms. It can also control the HV power supplies
provided in the x780.
Moreover, it is able to perform advanced mathematical analysis on both the ongoing histograms and collected spectra:
peak search, background subtraction, peak fitting, energy calibration, ROI selection, dead time compensation,
histogram rebin and other features available.
Fig. 11.6:
MC²Analyzer (MC²A) software
MC²Analyzer is currently available only for Windows platforms. The installation package can be downloaded on CAEN
web site (www.caen.it) at:
Home / Products / Firmware/Software / Digitizer Software / Readout Software
The reference document for installation instructions and program detailed description is
Windows version of MC²Analyzer is stand-alone (the required libraries are installed locally with the program;
only the communication driver must be installed apart by the user).