Electronic Instrumentation
DT5730/DT5725 User Manual rev. 2
In a brand new framework, CAENScope software implements the features of an easy-to-use digital oscilloscope to be
used with CAEN digitizers running the default firmware.
CAENScope support for 725 digitizer family is
CAENScope user friendly interface presents different sections to easily manage the digitizer configuration and plot the
waveforms. Once connected, the program retrieves the digitizer information. Different parameters can be set for the
channels, the trigger and the trace visualization (up to 12 traces can be simultaneously plotted). Signals are recordable
to files in two different formats: Binary (SQLite db) and Text (XML). It is also possible to save and restore the program
Fig. 11.4:
CAENScope main frame
CAENScope can operate with Windows and Linux, 32 and 64-bit OSs. Linux users are required to install the following
- sharutils;
- libXft;
- libXss (specifically for Debian derived distributions, e.g. Debian, Ubuntu, etc.);
- libXScrnSaver (specifically for RedHat derived distributions, e.g. RHEL, Fedora, Centos, etc.).
The program relies on the CAENDigitizer, CAENComm and CAENVMELib libraries.
Windows version of CAENScope is stand-alone (the required libraries are installed locally with the program),
while the version for Linux needs the required libraries to be previously installed by the user.
The installation packages can be downloaded on CAEN web site (
login required
) at:
Home / Products / Firmware/Software / Digitizer Software / Readout Software / CAENSCOPE
The reference document for installation instructions and program detailed description is
, downloadable at the
same page above, in the