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COLLISIONS - Displays the number of collisions received.
OOW COLLISIONS - Displays the number of Out Of Window (OOW)
collisions. OOW collisions are usually caused by the network being too
long where the round trip propagation delay is greater than 51.2
s (the
collision domain is too large), a station somewhere on the network is
violating Carrier Sense and transmitting at will, or a cable somewhere on
the network failed during the transmission of the packet.
CRC ERRORS - Displays the number of packets with bad Cyclic
Redundancy Checks (CRC) that have been received from the network.
The CRC is a 4-byte field in the data packet which ensures that the
transmitted data received is the same as the data that was originally sent.
ALIGNMENT ERRORS - Displays the number of errors due to
misaligned packets.
RUNT PACKETS - Displays the number of runt packets received from
the network. A runt packet is less than the minimum Ethernet frame size
of 64 bytes, not including preamble.
GIANT PACKETS - Displays the number of packets received whose
size exceeded 1518 data bytes, not including preamble.
PORT ADMIN. STATUS - Displays the administrative status of the port
selected. The two possible status messages are Enable or Disable.
PORT SEG. STATUS - Displays the segmentation status of the port
selected. The two possible status messages are Segmented or
Unsegmented. The EMME automatically partitions problem segments,
and reconnects non-problem segments to the network.
ENABLE PORT - This command lets you enable the selected port.
DISABLE PORT - This command lets you disable the selected port.
UPDATE-FREQ - This command lets you select the time interval
between Network/Slot/Port counter updates. You can choose update
intervals in increments of 3 seconds, with the maximum interval being 99