Cable locator
4. Select the manual mode of the receiver and select a suitable receive
sensitivity to precisely locate the circuit.
3.2.4 Detect circuits installed with a certain depth.
In dual polarity applications, if the circuit is made up of multi-conductor cables
(such as NYM 3x1.5mm2), the depth of detection will be significantly limited.
The reason is that the short distance between the power line and the circuit
causes strong distortion in the magnetic field.
A magnetic field with sufficient power cannot be built with narrow parts. If a
separate circuit is used, this problem is easily solved, since the insulated
conductor can cause the magnetic field to diffuse with more power.
The circuit can be made up of any type of conductive cables or wires. The
important point is that the distance between the power line and the circuit is
not greater than the depth, and in practice this distance is normally 2m or
* The circuit must be de-energized.
* Connect the emitter as shown in Fig. 3-2-4.
The distance between the power line and the circuit should be at least
* The measurement method is shown in the example.