BÜTTNER ELEKTRONIK – Batterie-Control-Booster MT BCB 30/30, MT BCB 40/40, MT BCB 60/40
V / D+
(DIP 10) Function selector for TR-control signal output
Installation type 3a:
V: The TR output is switched to the D+ signal with a 10 s delay and
switched off immediately when D+ drops below 6 V. Required for
installation with central electrics and together with an additional NC
relay (inst. type 3a). This ensures that (especially at CBE and Nordelet-
tronica) the D + signal required for control purposes can at least be
generated from the vehicle signal “D-”.
Installation type 4:
D+: In this position, the TR output is switched depending on the load if
the power consumption is higher than the BCB's charging capacity while
driving. Enables control of a high-current bypass relay for parallel
connection of starter and board battery, e.g. for air conditioning
operation via an inverter. If the Li battery type is set, the TR output is
activated depending on the temperature in order to exclude
uncontrolled charging of the Li battery.
Limit Netz / max
(DIP 11) AC input current limitation during charging on mains
LimitNetz: All with A Boost/ A Netz according
“Table 2” selected charging currents
are reduced in mains operation by
25 % as following:
20 A will be reduced to 15 A
30 A will be reduced to 22.5 A
40 A will be reduced to 30 A
The charging current corresponds settings
of A Boost / A Netz according table 2
Limit Boo / max
(DIP 12) Possibility to limit the power consumption
from the starter circuit in booster mode
The current consumption of the booster from the starter circuit while driving
can be considerably higher than the charging current for the board battery,
depending on the charging state. The behavior of the voltage is different
and is usually lower for the starter battery than the charging voltage of the
booster for the board battery (product of voltage and current at the input is
the same as at output of booster)
LimitBoo: This can significantly reduce the power consumption from the
starter circuit (approx. 25 %, see technical data).
• to relieve an underpowered alternator,
• Insufficiently dimensioned cabling on the vehicle side
between the starter battery and central electrics.
The booster can operate at full power