BÜTTNER ELEKTRONIK – Batterie-Control-Booster MT BCB 30/30, MT BCB 40/40, MT BCB 60/40
3. Installation Batterie-Control-Booster MT BCB
3.1. Mounting
The BCB can be mounted in any position
on a clean, flat, hard surface, dust-free
and protected from moisture. The instal-
lation location should be chosen so that,
• the connection to the board battery re-
mains as short as possible,
• sufficient air exchange for heat dissipa-
tion is possible in the proximity of the
device and
• the ventilation openings of the housing
for full charging capacity should never
be covered (minimum 10 cm clearance).
• device is protected from aggressive bat-
tery gases,
• the installation is solid and vibration-re-
duced with rubber grommets
• Cables are placed in such a way that da-
mage is excluded, 12 V and 230 V mains
power cables are not mixed together
in the same cable conduit and secure
fixing is guaranteed.
3.3. Control panel
Depending the mounting position of the
BCB, the display panel can,
• for optimized readability and operability
be mounted rotated in 90° steps after
loosening 2 fastening screws, or be used
3.2. Device overview
START – input +12 V starter-battery
COM – input board battery
minus / chassis
BORD – input +12 V Board-battery
T T – 2 input temperatursensor
S- / S+ – 2 inputs for Sense wiring
from board-battery
TR – output 12 V – relay control signal
CI – Caravan Industry (CI) – Bus terminal
D+ input D+ / ignition key – signal
BMS – input for control signal from
external Battery-Management System
for Lithium batteries
Netz – output 12 V-signal
(on mains max. 100 mA)
8 DIP-switches for operation mode,
power set-up, BMS- signaltype,
4 DIP-switches for battery-type
• remote display, when the BCB is instal-
led in a place that is difficult to access.
To do this, remove the two fastening
screws, reconnect the display panel to
the BCB using the 5 m plug-in extension
cable and mount it at the desired
230 V
mains cable
mounting rubber grommets
control panel