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15.3.3 Dynamic balancing
Dynamic balancing is a procedure that offsets the
wheel vibrations using 2 weights on different planes.
Clip weights are used on rim inner/outer edge, and
usually on iron rims.
To perform a dynamic measurement spin:
- make sure there are no stones and/or mud on the
wheel. Remove any counterweights. Fit the wheel and
make sure it is properly fastened (see Chapt. 13.0).
- Determine and enter wheel dimensions using the
specific graduated scale (see Par. 15.1.1).
- Press key
to perform a manual wheel spin.
In just a few seconds, the wheel runs at normal speed
and the display screens D1-D2 show wheel rotation.
After the spin, the wheel stops automatically, also tak
ing into account the measured unbalance so that the
fitting position of the outer weight is
exactly at “12
o’ clock”
Display screens D1-D2 show the weight required to
correct the unbalance. The nearby LEDs show the
direction the wheel has to be moved into to fit the
weights (
Fig. 24
Weight can be determined in "grams" or "ounces"; in
this manual examples are shown in grams. To change
the unit of measurement from "grams" to "ounces",
(see Chap. 19).
Once the unbalance of the inside and outside of the
wheel is known, it is possible to proceed with position
ing for correction of unbalance.
Should wheel dynamic unbalance be quite high and the
weight to be fitted not available, the “SPLIT” procedure
can be used so as to correct the dynamic unbalance
dividing the weight amount into two smaller weights
(see Chap. 17).
Fig. 24
Total inner weight
Leds showing positioning in correct
weight fitting point
Total outer weight
The DYNAMIC balancing procedure is completed.
15.3.4 ALU-S procedure
The ALU-S balancing is a procedure that offsets the
wheel vibrations using 2 weights on different planes.
Adhesive weights are used inside the rim, and usually
on alloy rims.
To launch a ALU-S measurement, proceed as follows:
- make sure there are no stones and/or mud on the
wheel. Remove any counterweights. Fit the wheel and
make sure it is properly fastened (see Chapt. 13.0).
- Determine and enter wheel dimensions using the
specific graduated scale (see Par. 15.1.1).
- Press key
to perform a manual wheel spin.
In just a few seconds, the wheel runs at normal speed
and the display screens D1-D2 show wheel rotation.
After the spin, the wheel stops automatically, taking
into account the measured unbalance so that the fitting
position of the outer weight is at “12 o' clock”.
Display screens D1-D2 show the weight required to
correct the unbalance. The nearby LEDs show the
direction the wheel has to be moved into to fit the
weights (
Fig. 25
Fig. 25
Total inner weight
Leds showing positioning in correct weight
fitting point
Total outer weight
Once the unbalance value of the inner and outer wheel
side is known, the wheel can be positioned by turning
it in the direction indicated by the LEDs until the cor
rect position is reached (see Par. 15.3.6).
Fit the weight to the wheel as indicated in Par. 15.3.2.
Repeat wheel and weight positioning procedure for
both inner/outer positions. At the end of the proce
dure, the wheel balancing conditions can be checked
by performing a trial spin.
If the adhesive weight has to be hidden behind spokes,
refer to “weights hidden behind spokes mode”, (see
Chap. 18).
The ALU-S balancing procedure is completed.