WA-1150 and WA-1650 Wavemeter Operating Manual
3 Remote Communications
(09042-M-00 Rev C) EXFO Burleigh Products Group Inc Inc.
Sets operation complete bit of the standard event status
Restores instrument settings.
Resets instrument to default settings.
Saves instrument settings.
Queries the value of status byte.
Measurement Instructions
These commands configure and obtain measurements from
the instrument.
Queries the measurement subsystem for measurement type.
:CONFigure{:POWer | :ENVironment |
:WAVelength | :FREQuency}
Configures the MEASurement subsystem for power,
environment, wavelength or frequency.
:FETCh{:POWer | :ENVironment |
:FREQuency | :WAVelength}?
Queries power, environment, frequency and wavelength that
have already been captured during the last scan.
:MEASure{:POWer | :ENVironment |
:FREQuency | :WAVelength}?
Queries power, environment, frequency and wavelength that
will be captured during the next scan.
Measure is the equivalent of ABORt; INITiate; FETch.
:READ{:POWer | :ENVironment |
:FREQuency | :WAVelength}?
Queries power, environment, frequency and wavelength that
will be captured during the next scan.
READ is the equivalent of ABORt; INITiate; FETCh.
READ is interpreted to mean "initiate a new reading and
return the value when the reading is complete."
CALCulate Subsystem
These commands obtain calculated values from the
instrument. In general, calculated values are values derived
from actual measurements.
:CALCulate:DATA? {POWer | FREQuency |
Used to set the type of data retrieved from the calculate
Queries if DELTa is to be calculated.
:CALCulate:DELTa[:STATe] {ON | OFF}
Selects DELTa as the quantity to be calculated.
Queries the method used for DELTa calculation (either
Current-Start or Max-Min).
:CALCulate:DELTa:METHod {STARt |
Selects the method used for DELTa calculation (either
Current-Start or Max-Min).
Queries if MAXimum is to be calculated.
:CALCulate:MAXimum[:STATe] {ON | OFF} Selects MAXimum as the quantity to be calculated. This is
the maximum value since the power-on or the last reset.
Queries if MINimum is to be calculated.
:CALCulate:MINimum[:STATe] {ON | OFF}
Selects MINimum as the quantity to be calculated. This is
the minimum value since power-on or the last reset.
Resets the CALCulate subsystem. This command resets the
Elapsed Time counter, sets the Min and Max values to the
Current value and sets the Start value to the Current value.
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