AutoLoad Plus SNMP OID Browser
The box in the lower right section of the window shows MIB files that are currently loaded into the instance
of AutoLoad Plus on your PC. The three files shown in the window above, RFC1155-SMI.mib, SNMPv1-
MIB.mib and SNMPv1-SMI.mib are standard MIB files that install automatically with AutoLoad Plus. Simple
network devices like printers may be completely defined by these standard MIBs. More complex devices
such as transmitters, codecs, power generators, etc. typically require vendor-specific MIB files. Often a
manufacturer will supply a directory or zip file containing several MIB files related to a particular piece of
equipment. To add these files to the AutoLoad Plus MIB Browser, click the
button next to the MIB file
list. Then browse to and select one of the MIB files supplied by your equipment manufacturer. When you
select the file, AutoLoad Plus will import it into the MIB browser. You will see the file name added to the list
of Imported MIB files, and you will see the MIB tree in the left window expand to include the tree branches
defined by the newly imported MIB file.
In addition to importing the selected MIB, the Browser will import other associated MIB files that it finds in
the same directory as the selected file.