The Burk Email Cloud Service is supported in ARC Plus SL firmware version and higher. The Cloud Service
works in conjunction with your ARC Plus SL system to originate encrypted emails using the STARTTLS protocol
extension. If your current email server does not support STARTTLS, you can open a free email account with an
Internet email service provider. The Burk email cloud service is compatible with email services from a wide range
of providers including Gmail, mail.com, GMX and Zoho. It is suggested that you create an email account dedicated
for use with your ARC Plus systems. This will make it easier to identify and sort email received from the ARC Plus
systems, and to monitor email activity. To configure the ARC Plus system for use with the cloud service, complete
the following additional configuration steps:
Check the “Enable Cloud Emails” box.
Accept the default Cloud server, cloud.burk.com.
Accept the default Cloud port, 4095
Accept the default Cloud protocol, STARTTLS
Click “OK” to submit the dialog box.
Select File>Save to save the updated configuration to the ARC
Plus SL unit.