Photoplotter FilmStar-PLUS
Instructions to Use
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Setup – Short Instructions
Remove Filmstar-PLUS from the packaging
and inspect for transport damages.
Set up Dark Room (no light may penetrate
from the outside!).
Install and connect the special safelight.
Place plotter in the darkroom and connect
to power supply.
Establish a USB connection from the plotter
inside of the Dark Room to the PC outside
of the Dark Room, if plotter shall run directly
from PC.
Perform a first test plot:
In the Dark Room cut one film in strips of 7 cm
Fix a strip to the drum, so that the arrow of the drum and the arrow of the
housing face each other (picture above)
Close the lid and turn on main power
At the touch panel press "Lightbar"
Click on "1625"
And subsequently, 125/12
The Filmstar-PLUS now plots 8 test patterns with 1625dpi and with intens-
ities of 125, 137, 149, 161, 173, 185, .197 and 209.
While the Filmstar-PLUS plots, you can setup the photochemicals in the cuvette:
1. mix developer (2 parts water, one part developer)
2. mix fixer (2 parts water, one part fixer)
3. the middle chamber fill with water
After plotting has finished, switch off the plotter, remove the film in Dark Room
condition and develop a minute and fix a minute. Then rinse the film thoroughly
and dry. The result of your first test plot should look like in the picture below (Test
plot light bar).
Now the plotter is set
up and ready to use.
Next, install the soft-
ware and read in the
machine parameters
(Setup - Import table
setup). A detailed de-
scription of the installa-
tion, see the Software chapter.
After software is installed, make two test plots:
1. A M
, to check the light
2. A T
est Grid
to verify the correct dimensions
The preparation of the test plots is described in Chapter
Bungard Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG, Rilkestraße 1, 51570 Windeck – Germany
Tel.: +49 2292 / 9 28 28-0, Fax: +49 2292 / 9 28 28-29
, E-mail: [email protected]
Test Grid