TeraStation’s root directory will appear. You will see all of the confi gured shares, including
, the
preconfi gured data folder. All users can read and write to all folders unless otherwise confi gured. To set
up security and password protection, or add other shares to your TeraStation, please refer to pages
35 - 37
of this manual. To change your RAID confi guration, see pages
26 - 29
. To setup a printer see the
section beginning on
page 42
. Drive letters can also be mapped to shares on your TeraStation; see
page 16
for more information.
Note: If this page does not appear, or if you receive a
popup window from your fi rewall saying that a NetBios
Session has been blocked from your TeraStation’s IP
address, you will need to add your TeraStation’s IP
address to your fi rewall’s trusted zone. You can get
your TeraStation’s IP address from the
Client Utility
Client Utility
Client Utility
page 10
). Consult your fi rewall
documentation for more information on allowing
network access to and from a specifi c IP address.
Accessing TeraStation Data from a PC