Rev. 1.1 - 07/2013
1.2 Type plates
The register sensor
is equipped with two type plates: The type
plate of the complete register sensor is located on the sensor housing
bottom (
see fig. 1.1), the type plate of the lens system (fibre-optical
interface and optical waveguide) is located below the connection for the
optical waveguide (
see fig. 1.1).
Type plate, lens system
Explosion group G means that the equipment can be used in areas
developing gas/vapour.
Ex op is
Intrinsically safe optical radiation.
The temperature classes group the gases and vapours according
to their ignition temperature. T4 identifies a maximum surface
temperature up to 135°C.
Equipment protection level (EPL) Gb: The equipment is suitable
for use in potentially explosive areas due to gas and has a high
protection level. During normal operation or in the event of
expected, irregularly occurring faults, the equipment does not
represent an ignition source.
The explosion subgroup specifies the gas and vapour types the
equipment is approved for. Subgroup IIB includes, amongst
others, ethyl acetate, city gas, acrylonitrile, ethylene, ethylene
oxide, etc.
No . Description
Name and address of the manufacturer
Type, part number and series number of the unit
The CE symbol means that a conformity evaluation process has been carried
out for the equipment. The equipment complies with valid standards.
ATEX identification: Optical part.
0123 is the identification number of the specified authority (official
inspection authority) which has certified the quality assurance system
according to 94/9/EC.