Section 3 Operation
Device Overhaul Due
The Device Overhaul Due alarm occurs after the specified elapsed hours with
gas flowing greater than 0.5% of full scale. The default setting is 8760 hours,
equivalent to one year. The alarm will be cleared either by disabling it or
changing the setting.
Calibration/Configuration Sets
All Flow Calibration parameters and some of the device configuration param
eters are saved in the device Non-Volatile Memory as “sets”. Up to 6 sets of
calibration/configuration sets can be saved in order to have a unit pre-con
figured for multiple gas calibration, different pressure conditions, or multiple
scalings of the same gas.
Calibration and configuration data sets may be adjusted by an advanced user
via the Diagnostics Port using a special software application available from
Brooks. Reference the Brooks Expert Support Tool User Manual (BEST) for
more information about the Diagnostic Port and software application.
For analog devices, calibrations can be switched via voltage signals to pins 11
& 8 on firmware vesrion 1.18 & newer.
On non-remote transducer units the RT input shall support selection of 6 cali-
bration pages using the below listed voltage input levels. In the event that the
S-Protocol is used to select the calibration page the last setting will prevail.
When the calibration select pin changes state for a period of greater than
3 seconds, the device shall perform any required processing to change the
calibration, then return to normal operation. The device shall check for a valid
gas page and set extended error bit 0X00000400 if the page is not valid. If the
page is not valid the device will set the MOD LED to red and the previously
selected page will still be active. The error can only be cleared by selecting a
Flow Calibration Options
In addition to the factory calibration polynomial, the following calibration op-
tions are provided to modify the factory calibration:
- Gas Correction Factor
- Calibration Scaling
- User Calibration Polynomial
Configuration Options
The following configuration parameters are stored in the Calibration/Configu
ration Sets:
- P, I, and D
- Valve Offset, Span, and Leaktight Offset
- Pole Compensation and filtering