Section 3 Operation
General Alarms (Analog versions only)
Several alarms are available to indicate unexpected process control events as
Flow Alarms
Two flow alarms are provided. Each allows the user to set a minimum and
maximum flow limit range. Whenever flow is not within the range, the alarm
will occur. These two general flow alarms provide more flexibility than having
specific low and high flow alarms. These two alarms may be used to cre
ate separate low and high flow alarms, or used to provide banding around a
flowrate. If the device is a controller, then this alarm is disabled if the setpoint
is not within the specified flow limits or if the valve override is active.
No Flow Indication Alarm
The No Flow Indication Alarm will occur when the measurement of flow indi
cates flow less than a value that can be configured to 0 - 2%. If the device is
a controller, setpoint must exceed the configured limit and valve override must
not be active for this alarm to occur.
Setpoint Deviation Alarm
The Setpoint Deviation Alarm monitors the difference between Setpoint and
Flow and sets the alarm when the difference exceeds the specified limits
for more than the specified delay period. The user specifies a minimum and
maximum limit in percent of Setpoint. This alarm is disabled if the valve over-
ride is active.
Temperature Out of Limits
The Temperature Out of Limits alarm will occur when the internal temperature
is below the low limit or above the high limit.
Totalizer Overflow Alarm
The Totalizer Overflow Alarm will occur when the Flow Totalizer reaches its
maximum value and resets to zero. This alarm is permanently configured as a
latching type alarm which requires the user to reset the alarm via the Service
Port or the RS485 interface.
Internal Power Supply Failure
This alarm will occur when any internally generated power supply voltage
falls outside operational limits. Internal supply voltages must be within their
nominal limits.
Valve Drive Out of Limits
The Valve Drive Out of Limits alarm will occur when the valve drive is below
the low limit or above the high limit.
Device Calibration Due
The Device Calibration Due alarm occurs after the specified elapsed hours
indicating that the device requires recalibration. The default setting is 8760
hours, equivalent to one year. The alarm will be cleared either by disabling it
or changing the setting.