Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc.
Page 58
Manual No. M13-167-A0415
The temperature menu provides access to three functions: Temperature Offset, Temperature Controller
Access, and Temperature Display/Settings.
Figure V-2
The Temperature Offset setting allows the user to create up to 10 temperature
offset values for connected temperature probes. Brookfield offers several types of
temperature probes for use with the DV3T including: DVP-94Y immersion probe
(supplied with the DV3T), CPA-44PYZ embedded probe (optional with Cone/Plate
DV3T Rheometers), and SC4-13RP embedded probe (optional with Small Sample
Adapter). Any of these probes can be calibrated locally against a standard reference
thermometer to determine an offset (how far from the actual temperature does the
probe read). This offset can be entered into the DV3T Rheometer and identified
with a name defined by the user.
When Temperature is selected in the Device Setup menu, the Temperature Offset
menu is presented (see Figure V-3). From this menu you can create new offset values
by pressing the Add Probe Offset command key at the bottom of the screen and
you can select which offset to utilize with the DV3T by pressing the circle beside
the name. In Figure IV-3, the offset DVP-94Y 3 has been selected as indicated by
the blue circle.