Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc.
Page 53
Manual No. M13-167-A0415
IV.6 Running a Yield Test
A Yield Test is started by pressing the Run button on the Configure Yield Test screen. When Run
is pressed, the display will change to the Running Yield Test screen (see Figure IV-7).
Real Time Graph
Command Keys
Status Bar
Title Bar
Test Name
Measurement Data
Figure IV-7
The Running Yield Test screen provides information on the current measurement including: Delta
Torque, Torque, Stress, Strain, Temperature, and Speed.
Delta Torque
is the difference between the current %Torque value and the previous %Torque
value. As the sample approaches its yield point, the Delta Torque percentage should decrease.
If the Torque Reduction for the test is 100%, the yield point occurs when the % decrease in
Torque = 100.
is the deflection of the Rheometer torque sensor. It is described as percent (%) and has
a range of 0 – 100%. The DV3T will provide measurement results within the stated accuracy
provided the Torque reading is between 10 and 100%. If the torque reading falls below 10% the
labels in the data fields will flash to indicate an error condition. Brookfield does not recommend
that data be collected below 10% Torque however data collection is not restricted.
TIP: Torque on the DV3T is equivalent to the % reading from the DV-III Ultra and the YR-1
is the calculated stress based on the Speed, Torque, and Spindle.
is the Apparent Strain placed on the sample. The Apparent Strain is the angular distance
that the spindle rotates in the sample.
is the input value from a connected Brookfield temperature probe. The DV3T is
provided with a DVP-94Y probe that can be inserted into the test sample or a water bath. The
Cone/Plate version of the DV3T can be utilized with a sample cup that includes an embedded
temperature probe. Some Brookfield accessories include temperature probes (Thermosel) or