This section must be read by all operators of the BRODA Chair before they attempt to use the
product. It is the caregiver’s primary responsibility to ensure that only people who are familiar with
the information contained in this manual are authorized to operate or move the chair.
Before operating the chair with the patient seated in it, make sure the patient is properly
positioned to maintain patient and caregiver safety, as well as maintaining the maximum stability
of the chair.
Caregivers must be prepared to support the weight of the patient in the chair when tilting and
returning the occupant of the chair to the full upright position. Always make sure to use proper
body mechanics while operating the chair, to avoid injury.
All service and maintenance adjustments to the chair should be performed only while the chair is
Immediately after service and adjustments, and before use, always ensure all components of the
chair are securely tightened and in proper working order, otherwise damage or injury may occur.
Always determine your safety limits by practicing maneuvers you would perform using the chair,
such as bending, leaning, transferring, and reaching, in the presence of a qualified healthcare
Do not lean forward out of the chair any further than the length of the armrests. Make sure the
casters are pointing forward when leaning forward. Otherwise, the chair may tip over.
Do not lift the chair by any removable parts. This action may result in damage to the chair or
injury to the user.
Do not attempt to pick up objects on the floor by leaning forward and reaching down between
your knees. This may cause the chair to tip forward.
Do not lean backward over the chair back when in a tilt position. Doing so may cause the chair to
tip over.
Do not attempt to propel the chair from a tilted position. Otherwise the chair may tip over.
Do not attempt transfers from a tilted position. Otherwise the chair may tip over.
Do not attempt to maneuver or park on slopes greater than 9º. Otherwise the chair may tip over.
Always engage the caster locks before attempting to transfer in or out of the chair. The caster
locks should not be used to stop a moving chair, as the chair may tip over.
Do not attempt to climb or descend slopes greater than 9
, go over curbs or obstacles, operate
on roads or streets, or use an escalator to move this chair between floors. Doing so may cause
the chair to tip over and cause bodily harm to you, the occupant of the chair, or cause damage to
the chair itself.
Do not stand on the elevated calf support. When performing transfers, or getting in or out of the
chair, ensure the calf support is fully closed to the underside of the chair.