Using Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 4: Broadcom NetXtreme II® Network Adapter User Guide
file:///C|/Users/Nalina_N_S/Documents/NetXtremeII/English/bacs.htm[9/5/2014 3:45:16 PM]
additional VLANs.
NOTE: You can define up to 64 VLANs per team (63 VLANs that are tagged and 1 VLAN that is not tagged). Adding several
VLANS may slow down the reaction time of the Windows interface due to memory and processor time usage for each VLAN.
The degree to which Windows performance may suffer depends on system configuration.
20. To apply and commit the changes to the team, select
Commit changes to system and Exit the wizard
. To apply your
changes but continue using the wizard, select
Save changes and continue to manage more teams
. Click Finish.