Broadcom Teaming Services: Broadcom NetXtreme II® Network Adapter User Guide
file:///C|/Users/Nalina_N_S/Documents/NetXtremeII/English/teamsvcs.htm[9/5/2014 3:45:08 PM]
Figure 1: Process for Selecting a Team Type
Teaming Mechanisms
Types of Teams
Attributes of the Features Associated with Each Type of Team
Speeds Supported for Each Type of Team
The Broadcom Advanced Server Program is implemented as an NDIS intermediate driver (see
Figure 2
). It operates below
protocol stacks such as TCP/IP and IPX and appears as a virtual adapter. This virtual adapter inherits the MAC Address of the
first port initialized in the team. A Layer 3 address must also be configured for the virtual adapter. The primary function of
BASP is to balance inbound (for SLB) and outbound traffic (for all teaming modes) among the physical adapters installed on