Document No.: ADXC-73-001-AFM
Non-approved page
Revision: A2
Date of Issue: 15.04.2021
The installed USB power outlets are intended for occupant personal
electronic devices (PED) and can supply 1000mA and 2100mA as
indicated on the outlet. The pilot is responsible for the compatibility of the
PED with the aircraft on board system. In case of doubt: don’t use PED’s.
7.11.1 Warning, caution and indication lights, internal lighting
There are two major streams of information to the pilot:
− Warnings and cautions displayed on the Garmin system
− Hardwired information
The functionality of the indication lights depends on the respective power
supply AND the power to the dimming unit.
Cockpit lighting is provided by a dimmable glareshield light. Light
intensity of indication lights is regulated independently. The control knob
for the glareshield dimmer is on the left end of the dimmer/indication light
row. Intensity increased (lighting up in darker situation) when rotated
A second dimmer control is next in the row what dims the LED indication
lights. Intensity is reduced when rotated clockwise.