Select no fancier. BCE automatically
selects the right fancier from the ETS
by the serial number.
Delete fancier :
The selected fancier is erased if you confirm with <OK>.
Add new fancier :
Here you can add a fancier (see new fancier).
Automatically load fancier data :
Send multiple fanciers to ETS :
Read flightdata :
Print :
Here you can print the lists.
To get the necessary serial number onto the list, you must send the club ID
whilst in the
section (see page 12) to the master.
The serial number from the master is then filled in and saved in the field.
It is possible for up to 3 fanciers to fly with the same ETS clock, and for their data to be sent to the
clock at the same time. Press send multiple fanciers and select the fanciers.
A club can read the fancier data for a certain flight.
Fill in the clubID and the flight ID (fig 1), and press read flightdata and BCE will make a xml file.
This xml file can then be viewed in previous read outs (see fig2).
In options you can modify the file location. The xml file can be used to export to another